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Judson Brewer

Judson Brewer



#Director of Research, Center for Mindfulness UMASS
#Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School
#Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
#Research Affiliate, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT

A psychiatrist and internationally known expert in mindfulness training for addictions, Brewer has developed and tested novel mindfulness programs for addictions, including both in-person and app-based treatments. He has also studied the underlying neural mechanisms of mindfulness using standard and real-time fMRI, and is currently translating these findings into clinical use.
He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, spoken at international conferences, presented to the US President’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, been featured at TEDx, Time magazine (top 100 new health discoveries of 2013), Forbes, Businessweek, NPR and the BBC among others.

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Judson Brewer Reviewed by Vítor Bertocchini on 22:41 Rating: 5

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