5-Day Mindful Self-Compassion Training
Responsável pela organização da formação em Portugal: Vítor Bertocchini, Ph.D.
Esta é uma formação oficial e a sua realização é um requisito básico imprescindível de acesso ao percurso completo da Formação Internacional de Instrutores em MSC. Assim e à semelhança do MBSR Teacher Training, para ser possível participar no MSC Teacher Training é necessário ter realizado este nível que oferecemos em Barcelos.MSC - O Curso de Auto-Compaixão internacionalmente reconhecido e desenvolvido por Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer
O programa Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) é um programa de treino, com forte apoio empírico, concebido para cultivar a capacidade de compaixão e de amor incondicional consigo mesmo. Baseado nas investigações inovadoras de Kristin Neff e na experiência clínica de Christopher Germer, o MSC ensina princípios e práticas que permitem aos participantes responder aos momentos difíceis das suas vidas com bondade, atenção e compreensão, curando a relação consigo mesmo(a)
MSC - The renowned Self-Compassion course developed by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer
How do you typically react to difficulties in life—work stress, feeling rejected, physical problems, or financial hardship? As human beings, most of us instinctively fight negative experiences and find fault in ourselves when things go wrong: “This shouldn’t be happening!” “What’s the matter with me!?” Unfortunately, this tendency just adds stress to our lives and the critical self-talk defeats us before we know what’s happening. For example, the more we struggle to fall asleep, the harder it is to sleep; fighting with anxiety makes us feel worried all the time; and blaming ourselves for feeling bad just makes us depressed. But what would happen if, instead, you took a moment to calm and comfort yourself when you felt bad, just because you felt bad—much like you’d do for others? In other words, what if you learned the art of mindful self-compassion?
If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete."
— Jack Kornfield
Mindful Self-Compassion?
O programa Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) é um programa de treino, com forte apoio empírico, projectado para cultivar a capacidade de compaixão e de amor incondicional consigo mesmo. Baseado nas investigações inovadoras de Kristin Neff e na experiência clínica de Christopher Germer, o MSC ensina princípios e práticas que permitem aos participantes responder aos momentos difíceis das suas vidas com bondade, atenção e compreensão, curando a relação consigo mesmo(a).
About Mindful Self-Compassion
Over the past decade self-compassion has gained popularity as a related and complementary construct to mindfulness, and research on self-compassion is growing at an exponential rate. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness, concern and support you’d show to a good friend. When faced with difficult life struggles, or confronting personal mistakes, failures, and inadequacies, self-compassion responds with kindness rather than harsh self-judgment, recognizing that imperfection is part of the shared human experience. In order to give oneself compassion, one must be able to turn toward, acknowledge, and accept that one is suffering, meaning that mindfulness is a core component of self-compassion.
~ Kristin Neff
Self-compassion is a skill that can be learned by anyone, even those who didn’t receive enough affection in childhood or who find it embarrassing to be kind to themselves. Self-compassion is actually a courageous mental attitude that stands up to harm—the harm that we inflict on ourselves every day by overworking, overeating, overanalyzing, and overreacting. With mindful self-compassion, we’re better able to recognize when we’re under stress and face what’s happening in our lives (mindfulness) and to take a kinder and more sustainable approach to life’s challenges. Self-compassion gives emotional strength and resilience, allowing us to recover more quickly from bruised egos to admit our shortcomings, forgive ourselves, and respond to ourselves and others with care and respect. After all, making mistakes is part of being human. Self-compassion also provides the support and inspiration required to make necessary changes in our lives and reach our full potential.
The three components of self-compassion:
1 - self-kindness vs. self-judgement
2 - common humanity vs. isolation
3 - mindfulness vs. over-identification
~ Kristin Neff
O programa Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) é um programa de treino, com forte apoio empírico, projectado para cultivar a capacidade de compaixão e de amor incondicional consigo mesmo. Baseado nas investigações inovadoras de Kristin Neff e na experiência clínica de Christopher Germer, o MSC ensina princípios e práticas que permitem aos participantes responder aos momentos difíceis das suas vidas com bondade, atenção e compreensão, curando a relação consigo mesmo(a).
Esta é uma formação oficial e a sua realização é um requisito básico imprescindível de acesso ao percurso completo de Formação Internacional de Instrutores em MSC. Assim e à semelhança do MBSR Teacher Training, para ser possível participar no Teacher Training é necessário ter realizado este nível que oferecemos em Barcelos.
A auto-compaixão pode ser considerada com um conceito constituído por 3 dimensões.
1. Auto-bondade: Ser bondoso(a), gentil e compreensivo(a) com você mesmo(a) quando está em sofrimento.
2. Condição Humana Comum: Perceber que não está sozinho nas suas lutas. Quando estamos em luta temos a tendência nos sentirmos especialmente isolados. Tendemos a pensar que somos os únicos a enfrentar a perda, a cometer erros, a nos sentirmos rejeitados ou a falhar. Mas são essas mesmas lutas que fazem parte da nossa experiência partilhada, como seres humanos.
3. Mindfulness (presença consciente): Observar a vida como ela é, sem julgar ou suprimir os seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Envolve a permissão e a aceitação dos sentimentos próprios, sem uma excessiva sobre-identificação com os mesmos.
Ler mais
Ver itinerário formativo do Center for Mindfulness da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego
Asociación Española de Mindfulness
A auto-compaixão pode ser considerada com um conceito constituído por 3 dimensões.
1. Auto-bondade: Ser bondoso(a), gentil e compreensivo(a) com você mesmo(a) quando está em sofrimento.
2. Condição Humana Comum: Perceber que não está sozinho nas suas lutas. Quando estamos em luta temos a tendência nos sentirmos especialmente isolados. Tendemos a pensar que somos os únicos a enfrentar a perda, a cometer erros, a nos sentirmos rejeitados ou a falhar. Mas são essas mesmas lutas que fazem parte da nossa experiência partilhada, como seres humanos.
3. Mindfulness (presença consciente): Observar a vida como ela é, sem julgar ou suprimir os seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Envolve a permissão e a aceitação dos sentimentos próprios, sem uma excessiva sobre-identificação com os mesmos.
Ler mais
Ver itinerário formativo do Center for Mindfulness da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego
Asociación Española de Mindfulness
About Mindful Self-Compassion
Over the past decade self-compassion has gained popularity as a related and complementary construct to mindfulness, and research on self-compassion is growing at an exponential rate. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness, concern and support you’d show to a good friend. When faced with difficult life struggles, or confronting personal mistakes, failures, and inadequacies, self-compassion responds with kindness rather than harsh self-judgment, recognizing that imperfection is part of the shared human experience. In order to give oneself compassion, one must be able to turn toward, acknowledge, and accept that one is suffering, meaning that mindfulness is a core component of self-compassion.
~ Kristin Neff
This training meets one of the pre-requisites for attending MSC Teacher Training.
Self-compassion is a skill that can be learned by anyone, even those who didn’t receive enough affection in childhood or who find it embarrassing to be kind to themselves. Self-compassion is actually a courageous mental attitude that stands up to harm—the harm that we inflict on ourselves every day by overworking, overeating, overanalyzing, and overreacting. With mindful self-compassion, we’re better able to recognize when we’re under stress and face what’s happening in our lives (mindfulness) and to take a kinder and more sustainable approach to life’s challenges. Self-compassion gives emotional strength and resilience, allowing us to recover more quickly from bruised egos to admit our shortcomings, forgive ourselves, and respond to ourselves and others with care and respect. After all, making mistakes is part of being human. Self-compassion also provides the support and inspiration required to make necessary changes in our lives and reach our full potential.
The three components of self-compassion:
1 - self-kindness vs. self-judgement
2 - common humanity vs. isolation
3 - mindfulness vs. over-identification
~ Kristin Neff

Benefícios / Benefits
Rather than wandering around in problem-solving mode all day, thinking mainly of what you want to fix about yourself or your life, you can pause for a few moments throughout the day to marvel at what’s not broken. You!
― Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind
A Autocompaixão tem sido associada:
• a um maior bem-estar;
• diminuição da ansiedade;
• diminuição dos humor depressivo;
• competências emocionais mais eficazes para lidar como os problemas e;
• aumento da compaixão por todos os seres sencientes.
A number of studies have found that more self-compassion is linked to less anxiety and depression. The more self-compassionate you are, the less likely you are to engage in self-criticism, rumination, avoidance and self-isolation - processes that often contribute to feeling depressed and anxious.
Research has shown that self-compassion greatly enhances emotional well-being.
• It boosts happiness;
• reduces anxiety and depression;
• and can even help you stick to your diet and exercise routine.
And it’s easier than you think. Most of us feel compassion when a close friend is struggling. What would it be like to receive the same caring attention whenever you needed it most? All that’s required is shift in the direction of our attention—recognizing that as a human being, you, too, are a worthy recipient of compassion.
A randomized controlled trial of the 8-week MSC Training found that participants reported significantly more self-compassion, mindfulness, compassion for others, and life satisfaction, and significantly less depression, anxiety, and stress.
MSC - Articles
MSC - Scientific Publications
Destinatários / Who can benefit?
Este treino é aberto a todas as pessoas, independentemente da idade, experiência em práticas contemplativas e profissão
A fundação do programa MSC é a abordagem Mindfulness. o MSC é ideal para alguém que já tenha concluído um curso de mindfulness, para continuar a desenvolver e melhorar a capacidade de viver uma vida mais plena, mais resiliente às inevitáveis dificuldades que a vida a apresenta. O MSC pode ser aprendido e praticado por qualquer pessoa, até mesmo aquele(a)s que não receberam afecto suficiente na infância ou que se sentem desconfortáveis quando são bondoso(a)s consigo mesmo(a)s. É uma atitude corajosa que nos protege do dano, incluindo danos que involuntariamente infligimos a nós mesmos através da auto-crítica, do isolamento ou da introspecção obsessiva. Compaixão por si mesmo traz força emocional e resiliência, permitindo-nos reconhecer as nossas falhas, motivando-nos com bondade, a perdoar a nós mesmos quando necessário, ajudando a relacionar-nos com os outros a partir do coração e a sermos verdadeiramente nós mesmos.
• Qualquer pessoa que queira aprofundar a prática de Meditação e de Mindfulness;
• Qualquer pessoa que queira reduzir os seus níveis de Stress e de Ansiedade;
• Profissionais de saúde;
• Educadores;
• Outros.
• Para a realização do retiro não é necessária experiência, nem conhecimentos prévios.
Não é necessário qualquer pré-requisito.
Who is this course suitable for
The Mindful Self-Compassion course is suitable for everyone. Whilst it is completely complimentary to mindfulness the course itself has been designed for people with no mindfulness background. Having said this it is advantageous to have a mindfulness practice but not necessary.
About the course
The foundation of Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is mindfulness, it is ideal for someone who has already completed a mindfulness course to further develop and enhance the ability to live a life that is less torn by the inevitable difficulties that life throws up. Mindful Self-Compassion specifically targets the the way we beat ourselves up when something "goes wrong" in our lives. Our relationship to ourselves is often quite cruel and this can be so ingrained in us that we are often powerless to stop the stress and suffering that it brings, even with a training in mindfulness. The MSC program then is ideal as the next stage after having completed a mindfulness course, in the skillful way it can help to meet our difficulties and bring warmth and love and kindness to ourselves.
When we learn to bring this warmth and love to ourselves there is a natural out-flowing of this to others also and this has a knock-on beneficial effect on our relationships in general. Self-compassion itself is always felt as something warm and loving, but it can uncover areas in our lives that are unloved and this can be painful for a time. This does not happen with everyone, but if it does it is possible to regulate and adjust the practice so that it does not become overwhelming, this regulation is itself also the practice of self-compassion.
It is important to note that this is not a therapy, but it can be very therapeutic. It has been developed and empirically tested over a number of years by Kristin Neff, PhD. and Christopher Germer, PhD. showing very favorable outcomes for a range of stress related issues.
As the seventeenth-century French philosopher Montaigne once said, “My life has been filled with terrible misfortune, most of which never happened.”
― Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind
See Mindfulness-Based Professional Institute www.selfcompassion.org www.mindfulselfcompassion.org
for more information.
Instrutores / Teachers
Esta formação será liderada por clínicos experientes, instrutores de Mindfulness, Auto-compaixão e MBSR e orientadores de retiros com larga experiência nas mais prestigiadas universidades e institutos internacionais.

Steven Hickman, Psy.D. (ver perfil | ver perfil na página da UCSD).
Steven Hickman is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and has a joint appointment as an Associate Clinical Professor in the UCSD Departments of Psychiatry and Family and Preventive Medicine.
- • Steven Hickman is the Founder and Executive Director of the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, a program of community building, clinical care, professional training and research. Since founding the Center in 2000, he has taught over 50 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses, as well as adapting the program for nurses, medical students and other professional and clinical populations.
- • Hickman is also trainer of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teachers and offers workshops and talks on a variety of related topics.
- • The UC Sand Diego Center for Mindfulness is a global Professional Training Institute dedicated to providing professional training and certification in the full spectrum of mindfulness-based interventions.
- • Hickman is also a member of the Executive Committee of the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine.
Marta Alonso (ver perfil | ver perfil na página da AEMIND).
Marta Alonso Maynard é Psicóloga e Especialista em Psicologia Clínica pelo Ministério da Educação e Ciência. Dirige desde 1995 o Global-C, Centro de Mindfulness e Psicologia Clínica, em Valência, do qual é fundadora.
É reconhecida como Especialista Europeia em Psicoterapia pela E.F.P.A.
É instrutora certificada em MSC pelo Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
- • Marta Alonso é presidente da Asociación Española de Mindfulness y Compasión (AEMind) e instrutora do programa MSC. Formada no "Center for Mindful Self Compassion" e também directora da mesma organização em Espanha e responsável do itinerário estandardizado para professores em língua espanhola. Formou-se com Kristin Neff e Christopher Germer no Reino Unido e Massachussets.
- • Mindfulness é a sua principal abordagem terapêutica na prática clínica. É membro fundador e presidente da Associação Espanhola de Mindfulness, AEMIND (anteriormente amys): a primeira associação de Mindfulness criada em Espanha, de âmbito nacional.
- • Tem formação no Programa MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) pelos seus criadores: Christopher Germer e Kristin Neff.
- • Mestre em Psicologia Clínica e Mestre em Psicoterapia infanto-juvenil pela SEPYPNA (Sociedade Espanhola de Psicopatologia e Psicoterapia de Crianças e Adolescentes). Ensinou no Colégio Oficial de Psicólogos de Valência e docente e conferencista em diversas instituições ao longo dos últimos quinze anos. Desenvolveu este trabalho educativo e informativo, principalmente nas áreas de Mindfulness, Desenvolvimento Pessoal, Dependência Emocional e Relacionamentos Saudáveis. Coordena grupos de prática e treino em Mindfulness e Compaixão para terapeutas e pacientes em todo a Espanha. Tem o Certificado Europeu de Competência Profissional em Psicologia - Europsy.
- • Em 2013 publicou, com Vicente Simón e outros, o livro: "Mindfulness en la Prática Clínica".

Steven Hickman, Psy.D. (see profile | see profile UCSD).
Steven Hickman is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and has a joint appointment as an Associate Clinical Professor in the UCSD Departments of Psychiatry and Family and Preventive Medicine.
- • Steven Hickman is the Founder and Executive Director of the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, a program of community building, clinical care, professional training and research. Since founding the Center in 2000, he has taught over 50 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses, as well as adapting the program for nurses, medical students and other professional and clinical populations.
- • Hickman is also trainer of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teachers and offers workshops and talks on a variety of related topics.
- • The UC Sand Diego Center for Mindfulness is a global Professional Training Institute dedicated to providing professional training and certification in the full spectrum of mindfulness-based interventions.
- • Hickman is also a member of the Executive Committee of the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine.
Marta Alonso (see profile | see profile AEMIND).
is a psychologist collegiate and specialist in clinical psychology with the Ministry of Education and Science in Spain.
- • She has been Global Manager since 1995, at the Center of Mindfulness and Clinical Psychology in Valencia, which she founded.
- • She is a founding member and the current President of AEMind (Asociación Española de MIndfulness) www.aemind.es, the first national association of mindfulness created in Spain.
- • Marta earned an Advanced Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and another one in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy at SEPYPNA (Spanish Society of Psychopathology and Psychotherapy of Children and Adolescents).
- • She has been a professor in the College of Psychologists of Valencia and a lecturer at numerous institutions over the last seventeen years.
- • Her career has developed primarily in the areas of teaching mindfulness, personal development, healthy relationships and emotional dependencies.
- • Marta coordinates and directs practice groups, retreats and training in Mindfulness and Compassion for both psychotherapists and patients throughout Spain.
- • She holds the European Certificate of Competence in Professional Psychology Europsy and the recognition as European Expert in Psychoterapy by the EFPA.
- • Marta is co-editor, along with Vicente Simon and others, of the book Mindfulness in Clinical Practice. Vicente and Marta created a triple Cd with a booklet with 209 minutes of Mindfulness and Self Compassion audios and practices with a booklet. You can acquire it in AMAZON:.
Objectivos + Programa / Objectives + Program
Quando o participante finalizar o curso pretende-se que seja capaz de:
• Deixar de tratar-se a si mesmo com dureza;
• Gerir as emoções difíceis com facilidade;
• Motivar-se a si mesmo dando-se ânimo em vez de criticar-se;
• Transformar as relações difíceis, tanto antigas como novas;
• Chegar a ser o melhor cuidador de si mesmo;
• Aprender exercícios de mindfulness e de auto-compaixão para a vida quotidiana;
• Saborear a vida e cultivar a felicidade;
• Compreender a teoria e parte da investigação subjacentes à auto-compaixão.
NOTA: • Esta formação será conduzida em Inglês
The course includes handouts, guided meditations and instruction.
Programa provisório brevemente
MSC Program available soon
• Deixar de tratar-se a si mesmo com dureza;
• Gerir as emoções difíceis com facilidade;
• Motivar-se a si mesmo dando-se ânimo em vez de criticar-se;
• Transformar as relações difíceis, tanto antigas como novas;
• Chegar a ser o melhor cuidador de si mesmo;
• Aprender exercícios de mindfulness e de auto-compaixão para a vida quotidiana;
• Saborear a vida e cultivar a felicidade;
• Compreender a teoria e parte da investigação subjacentes à auto-compaixão.
NOTA: • Esta formação será conduzida em Inglês
At the completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- • describe the theory and research supporting mindful self-compassion
- • How to stop being so hard on themselves
- • motivate themselves with encouragement rather than self-criticism
- • relate to difficult emotions with greater moment-to-moment acceptance
- • respond to feelings of failure or inadequacy with self-kindness
- • begin to transform difficult relationships, old and new, through self-validation
- • practice the art of savoring and self-appreciation
- • integrate core mindfulness and self-compassion exercises into daily life
- • teach simple self-compassion practices to patients, students, or clients
- • How to become their own best teacher
The course includes handouts, guided meditations and instruction.
Programa provisório brevemente
MSC Program available soon
• Casa Silva, Barcelos, Portugal
Vou de comboio. Quais são as minhas opções e o que recomendamos?
Distância da estação de Barcelos ao Centro
Poderá apanhar o comboio intercidades e sair na Estação de Barcelos.
Por diversas razões, procuramos agregar os participantes interessados em partilhar boleias e custos.
A que horas devo chegar? Quando é que vamos terminar?
Socicita-se que procure chegar, no máximo, até 1h antes da formação iniciar, para haja tempo para se acomodar da melhor forma possível sem perturbar o grupo. No programa está indicado quando termina, planeie a sua viagem adequadamente. Por vezes surgem situações em que as pessoas têm que deixar o retiro antes do meio-dia, no último dia, mas solicitamos, se possível, que tal não aconteça.
Existe internet wireless e rede de telemóvel?
Existe cobertura de rede de telemóvel com boas condições de recepção. Contudo, dada a natureza da formação, haverá poucas oportunidades para fazer uso, então deverão informar antecipadamente aqueles que podem precisar de entrar em contacto dessas limitações. Pode esperar obter serviço de internet sem fios razoavelmente consistente no centro de retiros. No entanto, é aconselhável desligar, dentro do possível, da tecnologia.
É possível ficar noites extra no centro ou chegar um ou dois dias mais cedo?
Sim, poderá ser possível, mas carece de reserva antecipada.
O que preciso levar?
Se for possível, por favor, traga uma almofada de meditação (zafu) e um tapete de yoga. Teremos bastante material disponível, mas talvez não o suficiente para ir de encontro a todas as necessidades, por isso, se não for inconveniente, por favor, considere fazê-lo. É sempre aconselhável verificar a previsão do tempo antes de viajar, para ajudar a orientá-lo na escolha de roupas adequadas.
O que devo esperar em relação às condições onde recorre o Retiro
Esta formação é ministrada num formato intensivo, o que significa que há bastante prática de mindfulness e auto-compaixão incluída. O local facilita muito este formato; iremos estar reunidos, comer e aprender, partilhar e dormir numa área relativamente isolada, no entanto perto da cidade e com óptimos acessos. Procuramos que esta semana seja relativamente calma e isolada. Os quartos são limpos e confortáveis, iguais aos que se encontra num bom hotel. Têm a possibilidade de escolher quarto individual (WC privativo) ou duplo. Importante reservarem o v/ lugar o mais cedo possível.
NOTA: Não é obrigatório ficar no centro.
E se eu necessitar de algumas adaptações especiais ou restrições alimentares?
Indicar as restrições alimentares específicas na sua inscrição (nos comentários). se existir qualquer alimento adicional ou preocupações médicas que deva informar, por favor, avise-nos com antecedência para que possamos ajudá-lo.
• Casa Silva, Barcelos, Portugal
About 50 kms from Oporto airport Nestled in the beautiful North of Portugal, this center is the perfect site for retreats. It offers fresh air, mountain vistas, gorgeous wooded acreage, personalized service and the best facilities around. Located just 40 minutes from Oporto Airport, with great accesses, you will feel a million miles away from the city, but we're close enough for an easy getaway. The meditation gardens offers sanctuary to reflect and recharge in natural beauty with sounds of water all around. Amenities:
Accomodations:There are more than 30 bedrooms (altought the group is limited), each with its own newly remodeled private bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. Sheets, blankets, towels and soap are provided. Rooms have adjustable heaters and wireless internet.
The food is amazing.
Distance between Barcelos station and the retreat center
For various reasons, we encourage that participants share rides and travel costs.
What time should I arrive? When will we finish? We will begin checking people into the retreat at 4pm on the first day. However, it may be possible for you to arrive before and have access to your room. We ask that you plan on arriving no later than 5pm so that we can begin with the full group in attendance at scheduled time. We plan to end the retreat by 4pm on the last day, so please plan your plan your travel accordingly. Sometimes situations arise in which people have to leave the retreat earlier than noon on the last day but we strongly urge you to avoid this if at all possible.
Is there wireless service/mobile phone use?
Expect to get consistent, reliable wireless internet service while at the retreat center. It is most advisable to restrict cellphone use and to leave your computer at home because of the retreat nature, however we recognize that sometimes computer use is a necessity. Most cellular phones will work in this location. Again, however given the nature of the retreat there will be limited opportunities to use them, so informing those who may need to contact you of these limitations ahead of time will be helpful.
Is it possible to stay extra nights at the facility or arrive a day or two early?
The retreat center is often booked both right before and right after our training, so arriving early or staying an extra night or two after the retreat maybe a possibility, but requires to planning in advance.
What do I need to bring?
If it is at all possible, please bring a meditation cushion (zafu) and a yoga mat. We will have a some cushions and mats, but maybe not enough to everyone. So if you have one and can squeeze it into your luggage or bring it as a carry-on please consider doing so. It is always advisable to check the weather forecast prior to traveling, to help guide you in proper clothing choices.
The relatively 'remote' location makes security a minor concern, but we do want people to know that with shared sleeping quarters and very limited availability of keys to lock rooms, we highly recommend leaving valuable items at home to reduce the possibility of anything being lost or stolen. Certainly some of us will have vehicles where such items can be secured if this is necessary.
What should I expect regarding the format of the retreat?
This retreat is taught in a residential format, which means there is a great deal of mindfulness and yoga practices embedded. The venue very much facilitates this format; we will will meet, eat and be housed in a relatively secluded area. There are no other large groups planned in the center that weekend, so it should be relatively quiet and secluded. The rooms are clean and comfortable, but not by any means luxurious.
What should I read prior to arriving?
What if I require some special accommodations or have dietary restrictions?
While you are asked to note specific food restrictions on your registration application (on the comments), if there are any additional food or medical concerns we should be aware of please let us know of these in advance so we may assist you.
Inscrição + Investimento / Pre-Registration + Fees
To start your official registration click on:
Mindful Self-Compassion
You'll be redirected to the Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute UCSD registration page
Early Bird Rate
On or Before April 26, 2017
Non-Early Bird Rate
On or After April 27, 2017
Regular Registration
Portuguese Citizens
UCSD Faculty/Staff
Room and Board and Local Fees (Payable in Euros upon arrival)
Mindful Self-Compassion
5-Day Training Intensive
You'll be redirected to the Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute UCSD registration page Registration
Early Bird Rate
On or Before April 26, 2017
Non-Early Bird Rate
On or After April 27, 2017
Regular Registration
Portuguese Citizens
UCSD Faculty/Staff
Room and Board and Local Fees (Payable in Euros upon arrival)
Próximos Encontros
5-Day Mindful Self-Compassion Training
Reviewed by
Vítor Bertocchini